Final report from Shell Oil's dialogue with the public

“We lost the plot decades ago” in communicating with the public — outgoing Shell president John Hofmeister

It took a deluge of hate emails to alert Shell Oil execs that the public is almost completely clueless about the real world — i.e., the realities of energy supply/demand and low carbon alternatives to hydrocarbons. The hate mail was apparently prompted by the spike in gasoline prices following the 2005 hurricane season [which damaged refineries and Gulf production platforms]. Shell undertook an 18 month USA-wide town-meeting tour to listen to the public and attempt a dialogue. Shell’s report document is a useful resource: A National Dialogue on Energy Security [PDF].

Shell execs learned that the industry has performed as poorly as G. W. Bush in communications. Regular Seekerblog readers will not be surprised by the widespread belief in energy mythology and similar convictions that simple, cheap and quick solutions are available — and will allow them to continue enjoying their gas-guzzling SUV’s. The report examines each myth with real-world explanations.

Not surprisingly, but legitimately the Shell “Final Report” solutions include easing access to exploration targets. The report reminds us that the US is unique in prohibiting exploration of almost all of its onshore and offshore lands. But most of their proposals are realistic.
